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Post-Work Feedback
How satisfied are you with your completed project(s)?
Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery satisfied

 Please indicate how much you are in agreement with these statements. 

Considering my recent experience with B Smart Builders, I would definitely work with them again.
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Considering your recent experience with B Smart Builders, how likely are you to recomment B Smart Builders to your friends or family?
Not at allMaybeNeutralYesAbsolutely

DESIGN TEAM (Check all that apply)

Please check the areas that you were satisfied with while working with your Design Team.

PROJECT MANAGER (Check all that apply)

Please check the areas that you were satisfied with while working with your Project Manager.

BUSINESS MANAGER (Check all that apply)

Please check the areas that you were satisfied with while working with your Drafting Team.

B SMART BUILDERS (Check all that apply)

Please check the areas that you were satisfied with while working with B Smart Builders as a whole..

Will you write us a review that we can share?  Click here             to go to our reviews page. 

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 Thank you for your feedback! 

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